
Flickering lights in your home can result from various issues, ranging from minor to potentially hazardous. Common causes include:

  • Loose or outdated wiring: Connections can loosen over time, leading to inconsistent power delivery. This not only causes flickering but also poses fire risks.
  • Voltage fluctuations: The standard home voltage is around 230 volts UK or 120 volts US. Significant deviations can cause lights to flicker. If you observe consistent dimming or brightening, especially when large appliances operate, it's advisable to consult a professional to assess and stabilize your home's voltage levels.
  • Incompatible or faulty light bulbs: Certain bulbs, like fluorescent lamps, are more prone to flickering due to their design. Ensuring compatibility between bulbs and fixtures, especially with dimmer switches, can mitigate this issue.
  • External factors: Environmental conditions such as temperature changes, moisture, or interference from rodents can affect electrical systems, leading to flickering lights. 

Persistent flickering should not be ignored, as it may indicate serious electrical problems. Engaging a licensed electrician for thorough inspection and maintenance ensures the safety and reliability of your home's electrical system. There is more information in our article. Why are my lights flickering?