
A consumer unit, commonly known as a fuse box or electrical panel, is the central hub of a home's electrical system. It receives electricity from the main supply and distributes it to various circuits throughout the house, ensuring safe and efficient power distribution. The consumer unit contains several key components:

  • Main Switch: The linked main switch allows complete disconnection of the electrical supply for safety during maintenance or emergencies.
  • Residual Current Devices (RCDs): Protect against electric shocks and fires by detecting and isolating faulty circuits.
  • Circuit Breakers (MCBs): Protect individual circuits from overloads and short circuits, ensuring that faults in one area don't affect the entire system.
  • Bus Bars: Distribute electricity from the main switch to individual circuits.

Regular maintenance and inspections of the consumer unit are essential to ensure the safety and reliability of the home's electrical system.

More information is available in our article on consumer units.